Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Writer's Addiction

Friends have asked why in the world I enjoy writing so much. I've asked myself why I enjoy writing so much.

What is there to say?

When I write, I can bring justice to an unjust situation. I can paint beauty without a brush. I can accomplish things I don't get the chance to accomplish otherwise; live a life which may be, in reality, a little too out of my reach. Picking up that pen is both an act of taking up my sword and of laying it down.

A piece of paper is a friend who listens, is there at any time of day, doesn't criticize when I voice feelings or opinions, and always seems to genuinely understand. It gives the benefit of the doubt. It doesn't twist anything I say.

Most of all, writing is a challenge. A driving, smoldering challenge which always seems impossible to adequately fulfill... and that is why I do it.


  1. This seems rude, but I don't know who you are, and I'm sorry, but I cannot read the script at the top of your page. :) I only speak English. Anyways, I will read your blog in full tomorrow, when I have had some sleep! I do want to say though, about your quote, "Anything not worth dying for is not worth living for" - is conditional in my mind. There are so many things that are a huge part of my life, yet I would not die for them. Exercise, Culinary Arts, Reading, Education, etc. Without these, you're right, my life would not contain much passion. But I don't think I'd lay down my life for them either. Would you? What do you think?

  2. Holy moly, I just now saw your comment!? Oh my. In answer to that question.. those things make your life great, but you do not LIVE FOR THEM (or so I'm guessing). There are many things in life which I love, but I really live only for one thing: Christ.. knowing Him, making Him known.. and people.. for example. I'd die for those. I love everything about my life, but am I living for those things (which aren't going to last into eternity anyway)? No ma'am. :)
