Saturday, January 1, 2011

Reflections on 2010

A very happy New Year to everyone! What did you do in this past year?? Any firsts? Big decisions? More of the same? Perhaps a catastrophic turn of events?

Tonight I find myself pondering on my past year. The latter half of it was not nearly as productive as I would have liked, but that is where I am right now. I have finally surrendered to God's desire to yank me off the battlefield and onto the operating table. Surgery hurts. Things are sliced and changed and healed. It involves months of boring recovery. No action (painful for someone like me!) But it has also been amazing. Not sure how long He wants to continue leading me through this lonely desert, but I know my time is not up yet. He knows what He is doing!

So. Some things that happened in 2010.

* spent New Year's Eve traveling all night by train in Egypt
* fell in love with Jesus deeper than anything I've ever known or imagined
* spoke Egyptian Arabic almost fluently
* lived in a completely undeveloped part of Ethiopia for a month (loved it)
* discovered how sufficient God is when I knew literally no one
* learned to cry; discovered my emotions
* got nasty parasites
* got a vision for God's plan for me as a woman
* turned down a few serious marriage proposals
* truly had my heart broken by leaving my Egyptian brothers and sisters
* genuinely desired God's plan for my life - no matter what it is - more than ANYTHING
* indulged my passion for writing
* experienced extreme joy at the fairytale in which we live, here in the U.S.
* was tested in practical ways on just how real my faith was
* turned 21
* attended one of Brannon Howse's Worldview Weekends
* survived the transition from Civil Air Patrol cadet to senior member
* encouraged my family to find a home church (and succeeded)
* started blogging
* became addicted to long (half-marathon) distance running
* ran a full, extreme-trail marathon in July, for which I did not train beyond 13 miles
* placed first for my gender and fifth for the opposite in said marathon
* became scared of marriage
* completed a CNA course; became a Certified Nursing Assistant
* lost my sister to engagement, lol
* became the janitor at my church
* read a few books which changed my entire outlook on the wise approach relationships and marriage
* participated in Diaster Relief missions during Portage flooding
* got a room of my own for the first time in my life
* made a point of getting closer to/appreciating time with parents and siblings
*got involved in my siblings' education
* picked up songwriting and guitar again
* found that the qualities I desire in a man changed completely in only a few months with God
* missed the Middle East terribly
* made a few very dear, Godly, local friends
* got out of shape
* started a young women's Bible study group
* was led out into the wilderness, where I am now
* was blessed in so many ways I cannot even begin to count them all!

How about you? Mundane or crazy, I'd love to hear your year in review. Comment below! :)

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