Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fearless Femininity

We are living in a culture and time period that has degraded and nearly obliterated what it means to be a woman - in every sense of the word. 

There's nothing wrong with "equal rights" in the truest sense of the term, but the radical feminist movement has taken it further.  The hard-charging revolution they led and continue to lead has turned many of our country's foundational principles upside down. It's not outlandish to assert that radical feminism has wreaked havoc on society, starting with our very identity. As unpopular a statement as that is, I am not ashamed to say it. Truth is only hate to those who hate the truth.

"What does it mean to be a woman, anyway? What does it look like?" 

Most girls think or subconsciously feel they must choose between being either self-absorbed, appearance-oriented, makeup-obsessed, hollow girls with shallow personalities and zero character, OR trade in their feminine identity for masculine behavior, careless, sloppy dress, rough words and actions, and an attitude of detest toward all things womanly. Perhaps you've never been as extreme as either of those. But the truth is, at one time or another we tend to adopt either the sexed-up, attention-seeking version of femininity, or more the tomboy who can relate only to guys.

How sad that these are the two predominant categories under which most women fall! Those who focus only on appearance fail to be real at all, whereas those who discard it completely also miss out on developing something very important: their very identity as a woman. There is a difference between FEMININE and SEXY. "One involves looking like a flower, the other involves looking like a sandwich," says my wizened father. A Godly guy will go for the first (and gets lots of the second after he says "I do" anyway! ;P)

When I talk about fearless femininity, I know I'm talking about a potentially frightening thing. It's about going against the flow. It's a little scary to embrace values that the culture has deemed "politically incorrect," "archaic," or even "sexist." Not for the faint of  heart. This involves a complete change of thinking, vision and attitude. Forget about the same old mantras you're bombarded with by the media. This is new. (...In the sense that it is new to today's culture. It is timeless in the sense that it was God's idea!) You and I are not supposed to magically "morph" into graceful, classy, well-spoken women who garner the respect and admiration of those around us. That is a lie. No boy grows up to become a chivalrous man without role models of some kind, being taught and raised that way, and/or consciously putting true manhood into practice. The same applies to women. Anything worth having takes conscious effort, or at the very least, practice. The title of "lady" is no exception.

In the coming days, weeks and months, I hope to share with you the vision - and not just the vision, but how to really make it happen! Why am I so bent on sharing with whoever will listen? Because of the change in me upon discovering things I always previously pushed aside. I believe that if enough women were to adopt fearless femininity with all their hearts, it could quite literally be a beautiful revolution. Women are influential - both for the better, and for the worse. Which will you be?

Yes, this will be radical. Yes, it goes beyond just saving sex for marriage because you know you probably should, all the while feeling miserable and as though you're missing out. It goes further than simply not showing quite as much cleavage as is "normal" because you know you should be modest. Rules do not change us from the inside. The idea is to change inside and it WILL affect our appearance, what we do, and what we believe!  THAT is womanhood for all the right reasons. THAT is genuine - and who doesn't want genuine? Like I said, it's a whole new mindset. And it is totally worth it.

In bits and pieces, I'll share some of my story with you... and I want to hear yours! Are you worried that your man standards are too high - an unattainable fairytale? Are you frustrated with societal expectations for you as a female?  Are you confused by different sources that demand conflicting responses? Do you ever feel lost, or as though you're a victim of some cruel experiment? Are you at a loss to even understand your role as a woman?  (I was... all of the above.) Chime in. Comment away. Let's get this discussion going!